Corporate and Public Collections
- Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
- Ben Uri Gallery and Museum, London
- Brighton Royal Pavilion, Museums and Art Gallery, Brighton
- British Museum
- Burgh House & Hampstead Museum
- Camden Libraries and Arts, London
- Gardner Arts Centre Collection, University of Sussex, Brighton
- Leicestershire Museums & Art Gallery, Leicester
- Leicestershire Education Committee, Leicester
- London Borough of Camden, London
- Pilkington Co. Ltd
- Tate Galleries
- University of Sussex, Brighton
- V&A Museum, London
- Matsushita, Japan
- Mitsui Bank, Japan
- Alliance Française, Mumbai
- Atomic Energy Commission
- Bombay Dyeing Ltd, Mumbai
- Cottage Industries, New Delhi
- Centre for Plastic and Performing Arts, Mumbai
- Indo-German Association of Goa
- Instituto Menezes-Braganza, Goa
- Kiran Nadar Museum of Art
- Kunika Art Centre, New Delhi
- Kumar Gallery, New Delhi
- Max Mueller Bhawan
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Goa
- Museums of Tata Treasures, Mumbai
- Stronach Advertising Ltd
- Sunaparanta Gallery, Goa
- Tata Companies, Mumbai
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Ooty
- Tata Iron and Steel
- Tata Industries Ltd
- Volkart Brothers
- Voltas Ltd
- Abby Grey Foundation, Chicago
- Abbot Laboratories
- Chase Manhattan Bank
- Fayette Ward Parvin Foundation
- First National City Bank, New York
- J.Walter Thompson Inc.
- Sonnabend Gallery, NY
- Union Carbide
- Bayerische GmbH., Germany
- Hoechst Chemical, Germany
- Krupp Industrie, Germany
- Michelin Cie. de France, France
And numerous private collections.
Untitled (Townscape), 1962 (New Walk Museum, Leicester)
Still Life with Pitcher, 1965 (New Walk Museum, Leicester)
The Warlord, 1966 (Tate Britain, London)
Untitled (Head), c1962 (British Museum, London)
Untitled (Townscape), 1961 (British Museum, London)
Untitled (Compositional Townscape), 1987 (V&A Collection)
Untitled (Townscape), 1964, (Burgh House Museum, London)
Untitled (Treescape), c1986 (Burgh House Museum, London)
Tenement at Dusk, 1964, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Untitled (Goan Church), 1962 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
Untitled (Townscape), 1962 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
Untitled (Townscape), 1962 (Ben Uri Gallery & Museum, London)
King Lear, 1964 (Ben Uri Gallery & Museum, London)